AimPoint Green Reading

Know The Speed
By understanding the basic physics of putting and how speed has an effect on your putts, you will gain more confidence and be in a better position to capitalize on your opportunities: make more putts and lower your scores.

Better Decisions
The majority of strokes in golf are taken in and around the green. Knowing the slope and behavior of greens will allow you to make more confident decisions which will improve the aggressiveness of your play and lower your scores.

No Knee-Knockers
We have all stood over a 3-foot putt on the 18th green to win our match. Whether it is for the Masters or your friendly club game at home, AimPoint has been there. You will be able to identify the slope, where to aim, and drain those putts without fear.

Six World #1s.
Six world number one players have worked with Mark Sweeney and use AimPoint. They have won numerous titles while using AimPoint and have credited AimPoint for much of their putting success.
The Best Pros Use AimPoint.

Proven Physics.
The Golf Channel used AimPoint's proven, independently-verified physics model and software to accurately predict the break of putts on live television. How do you know you can trust AimPoint to improve your putting?
Emmy Award Winning Physics.

AimPoint Wins.
Over 65 Professional Tour Wins. Used by the US Amateur Champion and over 200 tour pros worldwide. Winners of countless college and junior titles also used AimPoint Express.
Everyone is Winning With AimPoint.